Literacy Empowers Regardless of Age

As a spiritual and intellectual awakening literacy non-profit charity organization, it is our mission to help resolve the loneliness and financial crisis. We have a strong focus on understanding human suffering and the struggles behind the lack of community and financial resources. We believe literacy is one of the solutions.

Together We Stand a Chance

Together We Stand a Chance

Together We Stand a Chance

Together, we can raise our literacy rates and levels, prepare our population for a more promising future, and include finance as a form of literacy to help us end the student loan debt and loneliness crisis.

Our Nation is in Serious Trouble

It is clear that the public education system is no longer working for the great majority of the students. Most adults read at a 7th-grade level or lower. 1 out of 5 children struggles with reading and learning. The student loan debt is currently a national crisis and financial lack of knowledge is at the root. People feel more alone than ever.

There is a Promising Solution

Knowledge is power, and the greatest form of knowledge is through learning from those who have the experience. We are working with a team of experts to write specific solutions to bring awareness that deter unnecessary debt and sense of loneliness. Unfortunately, our country seems to be going from a country of founders to consumers. We are here to help shift back into a more economically suitable society.

What We are Doing to Change The Narrative

Creating free learning for everyone

We have taken an approach outside of the school environment so that people who want to learn without worrying about a grade find the possibility of success. This level of learning focuses on awareness and understanding.

Creating membership-based learning

Those who join our community will have a more specific format of learning that creates entrepreneurial learning that goes beyond understanding what the problems are and focuses on solutions.

Creating advanced literacy-based solutions

Those who are ready to step into the works of creating their own businesses and communities to help boost our literacy levels and economy will have an opportunity to do so through our cert and advanced learning program.



The journey starts by bringing awareness through not only our books but also other books that we recommend and also those not on the list.


Those who are aware of the problem and why we are spiritually, financially, and intellectually broken are ready to learn about our suggested solutions.

Be a change agent

We support those who understand what the problems are, what solutions we need, and are ready to become the agents of change by directly participating in their communities, our certs, and trainings.


It all starts with reading our books and suggesting our content to others.


The path continues with learning through our online awareness training about why we are spiritually and economically bankrupt. The trainings also provides the skills for preparing for change.


The path then goes into learning the skills and the entrepreneur awareness to help ourselves, our friends, and our communities. It all starts with us, those close to us, and our communities.


The path continues with finding the purpose you determine to be your path. We help you realize and choose that you can be part of change so that your life and the lives of others can stand a more favorable chance.

First suggested read

Start by reading our free book. It will likely be a shock to how you see the world, but for many, that establishes the beginning of change.


Donate $20 or more and read our more advanced and specific books on why our country has behavioral and creativity issues. These books are not only informative but also entertaining.

Start your journey

Embark on the more advanced learning journey through our online trainings that take literacy and its applications to the next level. All books can help us become better readers, but only a few can truly prepare us to become the change the world needs. Our online trainings help bridge the gap.

To be alive is to behave, and the behaviors around our spending and socialization can make or break our well-being. We are here to bring awareness and change.

A behavioral Science Approach

Are you ready to be part of the movement?

If this feels like your call to finally help change the world and the many economic and behavioral issues that we are encountering, take the steps and find out more. It all starts by reading our books.

Our literacy process helps you connect to the world

We take an applicable literacy approach where the goal is not only to get you to read but also to get you to understand the world and why it is in the economic shape and loneliness turmoil that it is at the moment. We continue by helping you understand functional literacy so that whatever you learn through the books and online training, you can directly apply it to your life.

We encourage you to take the appropriate steps

Ideation is the creative phase where you generate a wide range of ideas to address the defined problem. We encourage brainstorming sessions and explore diverse perspectives. This phase is all about quantity rather than quality (yet) because initially, every idea is a potential seed for innovation.

Start at No Cost

Download our free awareness book and gain the understanding that what we don't know may hurt us, and potentially more than you have been told.

"For those who have an intense urge for spirit and wisdom, it sits near them, waiting"


"For those who have an intense urge for spirit and wisdom, it sits near them, waiting"
