The Gift of Fear

Written by Gavin de Becker. This book teaches us how to read the signs, using our most basic but often most discounted survival skill - our intuition. We classify it as one of the greatest pieces of shadow work focusing on human behavior.

Reality Transurfing

Written by Vadim Zealand in Russian and Translated to English by Joanna Dobson. This book has already changed many lives. Transurfing is the art of controlling reality using our freedom of choice. The world always reflects our perception of it.

Reality Transurfing Summary

This book was created to summarize the concepts and ideas of the full series of Reality Transurfing Books Steps I-V written by Vadim Zeland. The principles in this book are meant to help guide you back to yourself and toward a better understanding of your own authenticity while helping you to understand what it is you really want while equipping you with the tools to accomplish your most cherished goals.

Living Beyond Distraction

Written by Gary Douglas and Dain Heer. Focuses on the pendulum theory found in Reality Transurfing, but refers to them as distractor implants and provides information and effective strategies to recognize them and become free of them.

The Five Levels of Attachment

Written by Don Miguel Ruiz. Provides you with a measuring stick to understanding how tied you are to any belief, idea, or opinion. Each level represents how controlled you are by your own particular way of thinking. The ideas are groundbreaking in nature.

The Four Agreements

Written by Don Miguel Ruiz. The book reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. The book offers a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives into a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love.

The Mastery of Self

Written by Don Miguel Ruiz. This book offers a unique antidote to loneliness. It can help us wake up from our illusions, liberate ourselves from the inhibiting stories we all tell ourselves, and live as our true, authentic, loving selves.

The way of the human (Volumes I-III)

Written by Stephen Wolinsky. We cannot say enough. His take on realizing the self and overcoming the illusion of loneliness is incredible and with ideas like no other author can describe. It is not an easy read because it challenges our illusions and delusions.

Intimate Relationships

Written by Stephen Wolinsky. This book brings forth the realization that to be human is to relate. His take is on the root causes of unrealistic expectations: separation, resistance to separation, and desire for merger. It is an easy read and very enlightening.

The Darkside of the Inner Child

Writen by Stephen Wolinsky. If you like shadow work, you will love this book. Dr. Wolinsky shows us the dysfunctional shadow side of our inner child and puts us in touch with those frozen, inner-child memories or trance states that keep creating problems.

The Drama of The Gifted Child

Written by Alice Miller. Her work is golden in regard to understanding how childhood trauma reflects in our daily lives. This one is another great piece of shadow work. It touches on a taboo subject, but it helps us to reclaim our life by discovering our own crucial needs and our own truth.

Together We Stand a Chance

Together We Stand a Chance

Together We Stand a Chance

Please note that we do not sell any of these books directly. We are providing you with links to Amazon so that you can search for the books there and purchase them. We plan to have them available through donations to our non-profit, but we need to raise funds for that. We also plan to create training and digital content based on these teachings to help others overcome loneliness and reclaim joy in their lives. Please consider donating so that we can achieve our objectives. Thank you.

"People don't realize how a person's whole life can be changed by one book."

-Malcolm X-

"People don't realize how a person's whole life can be changed by one book."

-Malcolm X-