With Your Help

We can help transform the future of others and create content that brings us closer to understanding and experiencing freedom from loneliness and financial struggle.

What About Those Who Can't Afford The Online Training or Cert Classes?

Thanks to your donations and funding, we will gather the resources to put together a YouTube channel where plenty of information will be offered to the general public at no cost. Membership status will provide access to premium content, but we aim to help everyone to some degree. We love to help, but we also want to communicate that it takes time, effort, and money to run any organization. With your help, we can reach those who need to find the truth the most.

Donating Can Make a Great Impact

New change agents helping within their communities

Thanks to your donation, we will be able to develop training programs for those who are ready to take the next step and help their communities through functional literacy and achievement so that they can better understand their options and escape poverty. The change agents will be at the forefront of instilling positive changes in the lives of others.

Members will be able to receive online training

Members Will be Able to Receive Online Training

Those who don't have access to a change agent can get some self-paced content to help them achieve some of their goals. The content will be helpful in furthering people's learning and opportunities in life. Although the online platform is not as great as having access to a certified change agent, it can be a great start.

We will be able to write more books

We will be able to write more books

We love writing and providing useful content in learning critical thinking and identifying genuine opportunities for more impactful opportunities. Whether someone wants to go to college with little to no debt or wants to figure out how to find more meaningful relationships, our books will cover the most important topics in living fulfilling lives. We can only make this happen with your help.

Form and provide our local chapter and services

We understand that having an online presence can make all the difference in the world to reach an audience that needs to awaken to freedom. We also understand that nothing is greater than in-person content and having a chapter that provides those opportunities. Thanks to your donation, we will make this dream happen and be able to provide human interaction. Plus, our upcoming projects in loneliness studies will be conducted thanks to donors like yourself.