Because Literacy is Our Means to Awaken and Overcome Suffering

About 54% of our population reads at a 7th-grade level or below and out of that population 21% reads at a 4th-grade level. These numbers might also not be accurate, but not in our favor. Our levels of illiteracy may actually be lower. The issue is not only related to reading but also to how we live, how we interact with others, and how we work. Our lack of reading comprehension abilities can affect our personal and professional development, leaving us to struggle with money, health, and relationships.

Literacy Services as The Answer

Access to literacy content could effectively impact education, income, health, and relationships.

Functional communication

The right content can not only help you become a better communicator and establish better relationships, but it can also help you understand what are the best choices for advancing in the workforce, care for your body, and maintain healthy mental status. Communication is not only a two-way street, it is also honesty with yourself.


The right content can provide us guidance into the most appropriate career that aligns with what we enjoy doing with our time while avoiding debt as much as possible. The right content can help us find opportunities to boost our income if we decide to work in a field that does not cover appropriately for cost of living. There should be no need to choose money over the professions that we love.

The right content can provide us guidance into the most appropriate career that aligns with what we enjoy doing with our time while avoiding debt as much as possible. The right content can help us find opportunities to boost our income if we decide to work in a field that does not cover appropriately for cost of living. There should be no need to choose money over the professions that we love.


The right content can teach us about the pitfalls of making the wrong choices so that we don't end up on the wrong side of the justice system. The book "Re-Channeling Hate and Violence" is dedicated to bringing awareness and understanding to the issue of hate and violence and proposes solutions to rechannel that energy into creativity.


The right content can bring us closer to understanding and caring for our bodies. It brings one of the most, yet powerful solutions needed: The understanding and acknowledgment that we only have one body and we all hold the duty to care for it. It may seem obvious at a glance, but the health crises as well as the financial crisis paint a very different picture.

Access to Several Forms of Literacy

We recommend and will continue to recommend reading books as the #1 solution to the literacy, financial, loneliness, and education crisis. However, we also understand the power of digital media in the form of audiobooks, videos, online training, and certifications. Digital literacy is here to fully support standard literacy.

"There is no better teacher than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance next time"

-Malcolm X-

"There is no better teacher than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance next time"

-Malcolm X-

"There is no better teacher than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance next time"

-Malcolm X-